Monday, May 10, 2010

Founders 10 Rocks the World with 40 Awesome Trainees!

What's the key to good fortune?

Most of us would like to think it's mainly luck.

Good luck = Good fortune.

What if we're actually being showered in good luck all the time -- but we're so busy chasing our need to protect ourselves that we MISS almost every bit of that luscious good luck?

What if we discovered that we dedicate about 95% of our energy not in FORWARD movement, but in SIDEWAYS movement (or even BACKWARDS movement?)

What if there was a way to EMBRACE all our luck-missing, sideways-wiggling craziness and bring it in harmony with our life vision?

This last week in Founders, we discovered how to: Grab more Good Fortune. Move Forward more Easily.

And, Love Ourselves the whole time we're Doing It.

I'd love to hear the good, bad and the ugly from Founders 10. Also, if you're not yet a Founder, feel free to post questions beneath this post to our current Founders.

1 comment:

  1. Founders 10: My experience of my Founders training thus far has been interesting to say the least. I've noticed many things about my thoughts and scripts and I'm learning more about myself.

    I have this thought that re-learning and re-experiencing Great Life (GL) Parts 1, 2 & 3 as a grad/staff memeber over the past year, as well as going through Women's Training, has prepared me for my Founders training. My script says that, based on my experience of my group, staffing as a grad should be a pre-requisite for enrolling in Founders. Now, doing The Work, is it true? can I know if it's true? do I feel when I believe that thought?...and who would I be without that thought? (This is where I get to do my work, so stay tuned.)

    My experience of my group is this: we are a loving, powerful, tenacious group - and we absolutely get to have clarity, peace, love and unity.

    From Saturday night until Wednesday evening, an excessive amount of time and energy was spent on infighting, being heard and making points. I noticed myself feeling SO frustrated and chiming in on the discussion thread to shift the negative banter to an inspiring and forward moving dialogue. Another thought: some people may not be ready for this journey yet. Clearly, a script - and one that I've noticed since day one last week.

    Being frank, the email discussion thread with all the confusion, negative energy, sideways (or backwards?) movement was f'n frustrating. Again, my script: some people may not be ready for this journey yet... (and is it true..?...who would I be without that thought...?) Arg.

    >>Fast forward>>

    The good news is that our group held a meeting Wednesday evening at GL and we are on our way, at last! It may have taken 40 of us four days to get going, but we made good progress at our first weekly meeting, and I think we have all agreed that we want to move FORWARD. (Not sideways or backwards.)

    We have a HUGE, inspiring vision to create LIFE clinics, starting in Guatemala, and growing the cause to other areas of the world, delivering basic health care to children who live in deplorable conditions - trash dumps. We have created structure and forward movement in our first weekly meeting and we have a TON of organizing and planning to do this week.

    So stay tuned......

    Love, peace and unity <3

