Almost nothing evokes a stronger emotional response than money. Even though almost every Founder agrees that we live in a Universe of Abundance, when the rubber meets the road, the wheels blow off and we're sent spinning. We all believe in abundance and all of us live in scarcity.
With the economy in dire straights, this Founders weekend found us even more raw than we normally are when we started poking around our relationship with money. Almost every person in the room discovered that their relationship with money was even more disfunctional than previously imagined.
The bad news: there's no quick fix that'll bury us in money.
The good news: the best fix is the very thing we'd been working on every weekend of Founders.
Living in authenticity.
When you think about it, reaping abundance in this world is a fairly simple equation: create a ton of value and then reap a ton of abundance. Creating value is key.
So who determines what's valuable? If I value stamp collecting a whole bunch, does that mean that the world should value stamp collecting as much as I do?
And, when I'm churning in my victim stories, my pointless worrying and my closed-mindedness am I going to see opportunities to create value?
Even though the abundance equation is pretty simple, we are expert at making a mess of it. Creating value should be easier than we make it.
So Founders Ten took Friday night and Saturday and they worked their ever-living guts out to create massive value in the world. It was spectacular! The world will never be the same.
As we say goodbye to the last moments of the formal Founders Ten training, we look back on stupendous train-wrecks when authenticity was lost, and we remember heart-bursting victories when love and light were re-discovered.
Our life toolbox overfloweth. Now, Founders Ten takes it out to the world. We wish you much love and wonderful lessons to each of you, our dear friends!
P.S. The next Founders is in September! Email the Founders Board for more Details GLFoundersboard@gmail.com