If you have any questions, contact the Great Life Foundation
If you have any questions, contact the Great Life Foundation
The Founders training took a noticeable shift with Founders Eleven. Every Founders training is different than every other. Each group is surprisingly unique and that calls forth a somewhat different training. Some groups are quiet, others are feisty. Some groups are analytical, others are deeply soulful. But Founders Eleven called forth a whole, new approach to conscious living that we'd never seen before.
We called it "going deeper down the Truth Well," and while that may sound like EVERY Founders, this time it was different. From the very first weekend, the group and the trainers had little patience for "thinking." Founders Eleven was chuck full of smart folks, and all that brainpower threatened to bite deeply into the forward movement of the group. "Thinking" we would all agree, is what got us to where we are today -- for good or ill. If we were going to break through into new realms of living large, it'd take something far beyond thinking. It would require a new, powerful form of bringing our FEELINGS to bear in life.
Throughout the weekends, this trend coalesced. Dozens and dozens of times during Founders Eleven we considered a trainee's sharing and we asked ourselves "truth or lies?" For Founders Eleven, a "lie" was any expression that didn't come straight from the heart. In a mind-bending shift, we began to reject talk that didn't speak the whole, soulful truth. Even if the sharing was technically accurate, that wasn't enough. This group demanded pure heart.
Then, in the final weekend, we took it further still. This focus on heart was yielding BIG results. Anger shifted into passion. Cleverness became soulfulness. Charisma gave way to authenticity. The shifts in the group were stark and inspiring. Out of this atmosphere of love and awakening arose several new processes, all pointing us toward the deepest, most authentic truths, no matter how crazy they may sound or how vulnerable they might leave us.
Founders Eleven certainly changed the lives of the group, as evidenced by the outpouring of love and exhilaration expressed by the trainees via Facebook, email and phone. But this Founders also had a radical effect on the lives of the trainers and staff. Pamela and I, for certain, will never be the same. Founders Eleven opened up a brand new adventure in conscious living that has us totally stoked.
Way to be with your cards face-up, Founders Eleven!
Why would you share that?"
It's a good question. When we open our mouths to say something, more often than not we focus on WHAT is being said rather than THE ENERGY of what's being said. But, the content of our talk means very little. Our energy means a lot.
When we share in a training, especially when we tell a story about our life or our opinions, the story might be marginally interesting, but the ENERGY behind the story tells volumes.
"Why would you share that?" Founders Eleven heard it over and over again -- sometimes to breakthrough, sometimes to exasperation. Each time, the group was challenged to "dip deeper into the truth well" to find the reasons beneath the reasons beneath the things we say and think. Finding those reasons, we discover is ANYTHING BUT an intellectual exercise. It is a question of heart, of fear and of energy.
Within no time, the group began to tune in to the energy each person was communicating more loudly than words. They noticed the masks they wore and the scripts they ran even as they were on their "best behavior" in the GLF's highest-level training. Again, this was no mental exercise. It was a heart workout. And the place they would find by deep-feeling was a place of profound self-love.
As the weekend came to a close, that self-love and self-acceptance began its inevitable transformation into an ability to see one anothers' greatness, even in moments of conflict.
Founders first weekend can be a downer. It's a hard-hitting chance to take a look at precisely what's not working, even after Parts One, Two and Three. As Founders Eleven returned to their lives on Saturday evening, they saw clues as to the final destination of the Founders Training: compassion for oneself and compassion for those with whom we share space.
Almost nothing evokes a stronger emotional response than money. Even though almost every Founder agrees that we live in a Universe of Abundance, when the rubber meets the road, the wheels blow off and we're sent spinning. We all believe in abundance and all of us live in scarcity.
The good news: the best fix is the very thing we'd been working on every weekend of Founders.
P.S. The next Founders is in September! Email the Founders Board for more Details GLFoundersboard@gmail.com